L'OMBRA CHE PORTA IL SOGNO, 2005 (The Shadow which brings Dreams),
A musical theater for children's choir, 3 instrumental groups and live electronics
Commissioned by the Instituto Tempo Reale, Florence, Italy
Publisher: Israel Music Institute, 2006, IMI 7713 | Duration: 20 min.

”L’ombra che Porta il Sogno” was commissioned by the Italian music institution Tempo Reale, a center for musical production, research and education, founded in Florence by Luciano Berio. The piece was premiered during the yearly concert ”La giornata della memoria”, which took place in Florence on January 27, 2005, in collaboration with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra. The concert was dedicated to the memory of children who were victims of the Holocaust.
”To compose a narrative piece of music to commemorate the Sho’ah is indeed a difficult task. I accepted this invitation with dread and trepidation.
The events are so horrible and hard to believe, to be true; the subject itself awakens such a myriad of emotions that it is easy to fall into rhetoric statements, thus enabling the listener to avoid real solidarity and sincere empathy with the victims in the horrific trials they faced. This approach makes their memory profane. The magnitude of events is such that only the words of direct witnesses can forestall repudiation of the catastrophe. Documents and concrete evidence are able, through their silence, to tell the story faithfully. Any outside commentary or artistic manipulation runs the risk that the most important sound will not be heard at all: the howl of silence.
I therefore decided, in this work, to present documents in a metaphorical sense. Various types of traditional Hebraic music appear among the shouts of children at play; an ancient Hebraic chant against the clamor of an ecstatic crowd. All of these are inserted into an actual musical theater context.
Regarding the choice of texts assigned to the two children’s choirs, I turned to the actual writings of children imprisoned in Terezin, choosing those which spoke of hope, or joy, or praise for the enchanting beauty of the creation. Their simple words surge forth like a hymn, full of life.
These texts, together with the recorded voices of a little girl and boy, grandchildren of a Holocaust survivor, represent the sheer power of the spirit which triumphs over evil, over all the cruel forces that were at work during what was one of the darkest periods of human history.
I dedicate this composition to all the children, regardless of ethnic background, culture or religion, who are innocent victims of war.”
Betty Olivero
Text for L’ombra che porta il sogno
(edited by Betty Olivero)
Anna Kanna
Challi na, Channi na
Be’emuna atanu ve’ta’aneinu
Hineinu atanu lach
El na annakanna
Challi na, Channi na
Aniya soara
Sa na, refa na la
Hineinu atanu lach
Aneinu ki eleicha eineinu
Ve’eineinu leya Anu leya ve’eineinu leya
Le’olam ule’almei almaya
(from the Jewish Book of Prayers)
...Dolce notte che scende sull’anima......Sweet darkness falls upon the soul...
(from the book: I have not seen a butterfly around here... – children’s drawings and poems from Terezin)
Koiftshe, Koiftshe papirosn!... Cigarettes! Please buy cigarettes!...
(from a popular Jewish song)
...E piccolo il giardino... A little garden
Profumato di rose. Fragrant and full of roses.
E stretto il sentiero... The path is narrow...
...Ma qui non ho visto farfalle......Only I have not seen a butterfly around here...
...Un altro giorno e’ disceso senza ritorno......Another day has sunk into the bottomless pit of time...
...perche’ i tamburi rullavano tanti appelli?... why did the druming soldiers march here
Perche’ ora tanti soldati?... Why did so many soldiers come here?...
...Pesanti ruote ci sfiorano la fronte......heavy wheels are driving over our foreheads...
(from the book: I have not seen a butterfly around here... – children’s drawings and poems from Terezin)
Koiftshe, Koiftshe papirosn!... Cigarettes! Please buy cigarettes!...
(from a popular Jewish song)
Anna Kanna
Challi na, Channi na
Be’emuna atanu ve’ta’aneinu
Hineinu atanu lach
El na annakanna
Challi na, Channi na
Aniya soara
Sa na, refa na la
Hineinu atanu lach
Aneinu ki eleicha eineinu
Ve’eineinu leya Anu leya ve’eineinu leya
Le’olam ule’almei almaya
(from the Jewish Book of Prayers)
...Asse Imanu Tzdaka Va’chesed......Treat us with charity and loving kindness...
(from the Jewish Book of Prayers)