HOSHA’ANO’T, 2000, for soprano and chamber orchestra (Revised for soprano and symphonic orchestra, 2003)
Commissioned by the Orchestra della Toscana, 2000
Publisher: Israel Music Institute, 2000, IMI 7275-I | 2003, IMI 7275-II | Duration: 14 min.
”Hosha’ano’t are ancient prayers for the Jewish Succoth Festival. Each prayer pleads for the elements of the world such as water and fire, for the blessing of the crops and for help against pests or natural disasters. This appears together with songs of praise to the beauty of the temple. The repeated ”Hosha’an’a” in these prayers is a response after each rhyme or part of the prayer.
The Hosha’ano’t hymns are built primarily from the combination of words and phrases, almost completely devoid of compound phrases (without verbs or adjectives). The text which is concise and charged, but not open, conceals associations and radiates complexity. This is indeed poetry that encodes various layers of meaning from Biblical and Talmudic literature. Each group of phrases is dominated by a consonant or syllable and the resulting rhyming is asymmetric at times. Reading the verses, without scholarly knowledge or awareness of the direct quotation and various interpretations, provides a unique and independent musical experience. Setting these to music, I wanted the consonants and rhythms to be heard.
I read these phrases like a code, a collection of ”encoded messages”. I therefore preferred, in the first stages of composition, to be assisted by the Latin transcript of the text in order to detach myself from the literary-textual meaning, thus exposing myself to the pure musical message. I felt that from the music of the text’s consonants and rhythms, as well as its conciseness, stems an immense inner force. I understood that such a text could not be sung in the customary form. The music that resounds from these verses, as a result of the various recurring consonants and syllables that create asymmetric rhymes and rhythms, led me to write for a ”speaking” or ”reading” voice, rather than a ”singing” one, in the traditional sense of the word. I therefore decided to limit and reduce the melodic lines and harmonic progressions and structure the entire work (not only the vocal part) in light of the musical-recitative image, like the voice of the reader of the verse who has but a few secretive words, charged with layers of meaning and memories.”
Betty Olivero
HOSHA`ANOT – (transliteration)
Anna hoshi`a (n)na! hoshana!
Anni va`ho hoshi`a (n)na! Hoshana!
Anna hoshana!
Eroch shu`i
Bevet shav`i
Betzom pish`i
Lekol shav`i
Ken teshashe`i
Be`enek she`i
Kalle marshi`i
Leval od tarshi`i
Al pish`i
Tzur tzadik moshi`i
Tzur shav`i
Romem yish`i
Keren romem keren yish`i
Shaddai moshi`i
Hoshana! Hoshana! Hoshana! Hoshana!
Anna hoshi`anna!
Omani choma
Bara Kachamma
Gola vesura
Damta letamar ha`haruga alecha
Ani`ya so`ara
peduiat tovia
Daloti veli veli daloti veli
Adam uvehema
Veru`ach uneshama
Anna El (n)na refa (n)na
Refa (n)na la
Ve`hoshi`a (n)na
El lemosha`ot
Gashim beshave`ot
Hogei sha`asheot
Zoakim lehisha`ot
Tfulim tfulim bach she`ot
Yodei bin sha`ot
Koreicha beshave`ot
Sfurot mashma`ot
Tzadic nosha`ot
Shalosh sha`ot
Anna El (n)na refa na la
Refa (n)na
Hoshana ve`hoshia (n)na
Omnetzura kevavat
Bonenet bedat nefesh meshivat
Ani va`ho hoshia(n)na
Kehoshata kana kehoshata kana vaiosha
Legocha metzuienet vayivasha
Ken Hoshana Hoshana
Ani vaho hoshiana ,anna
Omnetzura kevavat
Bonenet bedat nefesh meshivat
Ani vaho hoshiana
Ani vaho hoshiana
Anu leya uleya einenu leya
Anna el (n)na hoshana
Anu leya uleya einenu leya
Anna el (n)na hoshana
Omnetzura kevavat
Bonenet bedat nefesh meshivat
Abh vaho hoshia na
Kehoshata kana vaiosha
Legocha metzuyenet vayivasha
Ken hoshana
Ani vaho hoshianna
Omnetzura kevavat
Bonenet bedat nefesh meshivat
Ani vaho hoshiana
Anu leya uleya einenu leya
Anna el na hoshanna